Cogs Still

Smart Mail Basic IMAP Settings

The IMAP Protocol

IMAP is a more interactive mail system where the remote mailserver and the local mail client (on your computer e.g. thunderbird, outlook, mail) communicate with each other.

If you are simply managing a couple of email accounts and access them from, perhaps, a single computer and occasionally a mobile device, POP3 should be more than enough for your needs.  The extra complexity in the IMAP setup is only worth the effort when you need to access your emails from multiple devices and locations.  All devices are "synced: so that all have the same records of emails sent and received.

Accordingly, you are probably going to need extra storage as all emails will remain on the server, so they can be shared by those multiple devices.

See the POP3 set up here.

See the ActivSync Settings here

If you demand more from your email or perhaps have used IMAP extensively in the past, use the instructions below to set up your email account in IMAP.

NOTE: You must always use secure connections to the Smart Mail mail server

If you are on a legacy SmartspaceHQ email account, please click here to get your correct setup

Read more about IMAP here

IMAP Settings

These settings are to be used when getting your email through an email client (eg Outlook, Thunderbird, Mac Mail) on a desktop or through an email app on your mobile or tablet device.

There are many different apps and clients and some will have different ways of collecting the information, but they all use the same information. Some newer mobile apps will confgure things using an automatic selection, but often you will need to do a manual setup.

There are so many different apps and clients and so many different versions of the same apps and clients that it is almost impossible to be definitive about what to expect when setting up.

  • Email Address:  (doubles as username - use full address).
  • Password : (contact your administrator).
  • Incoming Settings
  • Incoming Mail Server:
  • Email Type:  IMAP
  • Connection Security Option(preferred): STARTTLS use Port 143
  • Connection Security Option (alternative): SSL (SSL/TLS) use Port 993
    • Please be aware that some apps/devices do not like one of the settings immediately above. They should both work without issues, but the second setting is the older setting and may be deprecated in the future
  • Authentication Method: Normal Password
  • Outgoing Settings
  • Outgoing Mail Server:
  • Use port: 587
  • Encryption: STARTTLS
  • If the outgoing settings above will not connect, use the alternative settings below:
    • Alternative port: 465
    • Alternative secure protocol: SSL
  • Please note!! You must always sign in to the server when sending mail through a Smart Mail mailserver.
    • You can also use the outgoing server provied by your ISP if you wish
  • Authentication Method: Normal Password
  • Webmail Alternatives (use a web browser)
  • Webmail (Desktop):
    • This selection has quite a good mobile version now
  • Mobile webmail:
    • This selection allows you to manage you calendars and address books

Note El Capitan (and later)  Mac Mail users!!

This system does not allow you to configure security settings but detects them automatically. In this case use the following setting:

Incoming Server : (This is the server hostname)

If you are using our server for the outgoing server, use the same setting.

Other Troubleshooting

Logins failed:

  • Make sure you use the full email address as the username
  • Passwords are case sensitive
  • Ensure that the login or authentication type is "normal" (do not use a "secure" authentication setting as the connection is already secure)
  • Get your domain account administrator to check the password via the smartmail admin panel

Can't connect or connection failed:

  • Connection must be secure
  • As some email apps are not transparent in the type of secure protocol that is being used, you may need to use the alternative port numbers above or alternative secure protocol selections if available.
  • Outgoing mail server settings on some versions of Outlook and Mac Mail will want to connect on an outdated protocol (SMPTS), so use Port: 465 via SSL (This applies to both IMAP and POP3)

If you are having trouble initially connecting, using the Exchange ActivSync protocol may be an option

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