Smart Mail Admin

Log In To and Navigate Smart Mail Admin

Smart Mail Admin allows access to nominated email accounts. Bookmark the following address if you are an email administrator.

Smart Mail would have advised you that you are a domain administator, or if you commissioned the account, you will have been given administrator access.

It is possible that if you have more than one account, the one login will cover multiple domain accounts, even though each domain is managed separately.

Logging In

You log in using your full email address (all lowercase) and the password of your email account.

Account passwords are encrypted in storage so there is no way of knowing what the password is. You can only test a password against the saved value in our secure database.

You can change any password (including your own) in the admin panel. You can also check a password to see if it matches the one recorded.

Managing passwords is the responsibility of the domain manager.

NOTE!! Soon account holders will be able to reset their passwords through the system if enabaled.

Navigating Smart Mail Admin

Once you have logged in you will see information about your own domain, even if you manage multiple domains.

You can click on My Email Accounts or My Email Aliases to view all accounts/aliases under your control for that domain

By clicking My Domains you will get a list of all domains under your control and you can select settings for other domains by clicking on the Manage - User Settings icon

If you need to view other domain accounts, you will need to return to the My Domains page and reselect

You can use the Edit - Pencil icon to edit some aspects of the account or alias

The account password is accessible through the Email Account Edit icon

Adding Records

If you have not yet created all the accounts or aliases assigned to your for your plan, the Add - Plus icon will appear at the top of the Account or Alias page.

In the case of Email Accounts, the amount of space still unassigned will be shown near the top of the page.

You can reassign server space as long as it is does not surpass that used and/or that available.

Please be aware that once you have created an address, you cannot edit the name of that address.

You can increase of decrease assigned server space within the limits available.

Coming  Soon

Deletion of Email Accounts and Aliases (they can be deactivated at present)

Instantly add extra server space through the system

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