Basic Smart Mail Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) Settings

Smart Mail supports the ActiveSync protocol often referred to as Exchange (Exchange is a Microsoft product which pioneered the protocol)

ActiveSync is similar to IMAP in that accounts on a range of devices can be "synced" but there is additional functionality with syncing and also with shared calendars and address books.

Smart Mail uses the SOGo library to enable this.

Please be aware that the proliferation of different devices, operating systems, versions and software providers make it almost impossible to give a step by step account of set up, but the settings below are universal. It is just a matter of finding where to put them,

Exchange Settings.

When initially selecting a protocol to connect with, if you want the feature of this protocol, choose one of the following (in order of preference):

  1. Exchange ActiveSync (EAS)
  2. Exchange

Then use the following as the basis for your connection:

  • Most mail clients (Programs) will guide you through the set up although each may have a slightly different way of doing so. The following settings should be input at the appropriate times.
  • Usename: your full email address
  • Password: the password provided to you by Smart Mail or Smartspace (not your Smartspace login) for your email account.
  • Port Number: 443
  • Server Name:
  • Security Type/Protocol: SSL/TLS
  • Do NOT select a security certificate as we use your authentication details as a login.
  • You may have to adjust your sync settings to ensure that all the required emails are synced

Syncing Address Book and Calendar

You can set up calendars and address books in your email account by logging into the Sogo webmail interface which is used to help support the Exchange protocol.

Also, you device may automatically detect calendar and/or contacts settings and add/sync these as required.

If you are having initial problems with these additional features, log in to the address above and your address book will automatically be set up on login to the Sogo interface.

You may also need to sync your address book/calendar on your device using the email account which has been set up on the device for that email account.

Depending on the device and the type and version of the software, you may have to adjust your contact/calendar settings to access these extra features.

Outgoing Mail Server

You will not need an outgoing mailserver if using activeSync through Smart Mail.

External Help Resources

Thes eresources provide more specifics on what you need to do to set up a connection. Adjust your settings to those above:

Outlook 2013 (Ms)

IOs Systems (Apple)

Android Systems (Google)

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